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18th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany

30 September to 2 October 2025

The Archaeological Conference of Central Germany is hosted annually by the State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt. Based on finds or findings from Central Germany, the international conference addresses selected archaeological topics in order to contribute new insights into the interdisciplinary discussion. As soon as the topic of the next Archaeological Conference of Central Germany is confirmed, you will find further information here.

Kontinuität und Wandel – Ein Jahrhundert Konservierungswissenschaften in Sachsen-Anhalt

8. bis 10. Mai 2025

Tagung der Abteilung ›Bau- und Kunstdenkmalpflege‹.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Tagung.

Conference archive

For an overview of past conferences and similar events, please see our conference archive.

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