Mesolithische Kunst
Abstraktion, Dekoration, Botschaften
Internationale und interdisziplinäre Tagung des Landesamts für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt vom 19. bis zum 21. September 2019 im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale). Unterstützt wurde die Tagung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und den Verein zur Förderung des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale) e. V.
Bitte entnehmen Sie das Tagungsprogramm auch dem Flyer [PDF, 2,3 MB, nicht barrierefrei].
Donnerstag, 19. September 2019
8.00 bis 14.00 Uhr
Anmeldung / Posterabgabe / Begrüßungskaffee.
10.00 Uhr
Harald Meller (Halle [Saale], DE): Tagungseröffnung und Begrüßung.
Moderation: Erik Brinch Petersen (Kopenhagen, DK).
10.10 Uhr
Judith M. Grünberg (Halle [Saale], DE): Introduction to the conference topic.
10.30 Uhr
Gerhard Bosinski (Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, FR): The animal representations of the Azilian.
11.00 Uhr
Stephan Veil (Hannover, DE): Punched ornaments on art and jewellery objects from the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Late Palaeolithic in Europe.
11.30 Uhr
Yves Mérian (Paris, FR): To what extent is Fontainebleau Massif rock art Mesolithic and could it improve our understanding of the Mesolithic period?
12.00 Uhr
12.10 Uhr
Moderation: Ilga Zagorska (Latvia, LV).
13.30 Uhr
Éva David (Nanterre, FR): The hidden symbolism of ornamented antler adzes, probable Mesolithic tomahawks.
14.00 Uhr
Pablo Arias (Santander, ES) / Esteban Álvarez-Fernández (Salamanca, ES): A new grammar for a changing world: the graphic expression among the Holocene hunter-gatherers of the Iberian Peninsula.
14.30 Uhr
Juan F. Ruiz (Ciudad Real, ES): Evidence for the Mesolithic origin of the Levantine art of Mediterranean Iberia.
15.00 Uhr
Oreto García Puchol (Valencia, ES) / Esther López Montalvo (Toulouse, FR) / Sarah B. McClure (Pennsylvania, US): Mesolithic codes through the lineal engraved plaquettes recovered at Cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia, Spain).
15.30 Uhr
16.30 Uhr
Freitag, 20. September 2019
Moderation: Lars Larsson (Lund, SE).
8.30 Uhr
Luc Armkreutz (Leiden, NL) / Marcel Niekus (Groningen, NL): The Dutch masters? Art, decoration and ornaments in the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of the Netherlands and Doggerland 13000–5000 BC.
9.00 Uhr
Harald Lübke / Daniel Groß / Sönke Hartz (Schleswig, DE) / John Meadows (Kiel/Schleswig, DE): Early and Mid-Holocene Mesolithic decorated antler and bone tools from the interior of Schleswig-Holstein.
9.30 Uhr
Sönke Hartz (Schleswig, DE): Ornamented bone and antler implements from the Terminal Mesolithic in Schleswig-Holstein.
10.00 Uhr
10.10 Uhr
Moderation: Oreto García Puchol (Valencia, ES).
10.30 Uhr
Bernhard Gramsch (Potsdam, DE): The intentional incisions and engravings on Mesolithic bone and antler artefacts from Northeastern Germany.
11.00 Uhr
Daniel Groß / Harald Lübke (Schleswig, DE) / John Meadows (Kiel/Schleswig, DE) / Detlef Jantzen (Schwerin, DE): New research results and dates from Mesolithic sites with decorated bone and antler tools in Northern Germany.
11.30 Uhr
Judith M. Grünberg (Halle [Saale], DE): Mesolithic portable art in the museums of Saxony-Anhalt.
12.00 Uhr
12.10 Uhr
Moderation: Clive Bonsall (Edinburgh, GB).
13.30 Uhr
Tomasz Płonka / Marcin Diakowski / Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowski / Krzysztof Stefaniak (Breslau, PL): New data on the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic art in Poland.
14.00 Uhr
Witold Gumiński / Karolina Bugajska (Warschau, PL): Painted wood, notch on bone – ornamentation or making? A case of two neighbouring forager sites, Dudka and Szczepanki, Masuria, NE-Poland.
14.30 Uhr
Peter Andreas Toft (Kopenhagen, DK): Maglemosian art – from mono to multi-causal interpretations.
15.00 Uhr
Erik Brinch Petersen (Kopenhagen, DK): Maglemose amber pendants.
15.30 Uhr
15.40 Uhr
Moderation: Éva David (Nanterre, FR).
16.00 Uhr
Søren Anker Sørensen (Nykøbing Falster, DK): Examples of recently found Mesolithic objects with ›decoration‹ from Lolland, Denmark.
16.30 Uhr
Peter Vang Petersen (Kopenhagen, DK): Decorated antler axes/mattocks in Mesolithic Scandinavia.
17.00 Uhr
Almut Schülke (Oslo, NO): Portable ornamented objects from Mesolithic Southeastern Norway: meanings, contexts and depositional practices.
18.00 Uhr
19.30 Uhr – Abendvortrag
Erik Brinch Petersen (Kopenhagen, DK): Illustrations of humans and other creatures from the Stone Age of Southern Scandinavia.
Samstag, 21. September 2019
Moderation: Tomasz Płonka (Breslau, PL).
8.30 Uhr
Lars Larsson (Lund, SE) / Fredrik Molin (Linköping, SE): Island of decorations – the uneven impact of preservation on the interpretation of long-distance connections.
9.00 Uhr
Per Karsten (Lund, SE): The Tågerup axe shaft – a masterpiece from the 7th millenium BC. A brief presentation of a coming exhibition of Mesolithic art and ritual at the Historical Museum at Lund University.
9.30 Uhr
Kristiina Mannermaa / Milton Núñez (Helsinki, FI): Carving and shaping wood, stone and bone – Mesolithic art from the territory of modern Finland.
10.00 Uhr
10.10 Uhr
Moderation: Margherita Mussi (Rom, IT).
10.30 Uhr
Tõnno Jonuks (Tartu, EE): Ornaments, sculptures and interpretations during the pre-pottery Mesolithic in present Estonian territory.
11.00 Uhr
Ilga Zagorska (Riga, LV): Artistic representations from the Late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic in Latvia, Eastern Baltic.
11.30 Uhr
Ekaterina Kashina (Moskau, RU): Mobile art of the East European Plain forest hunters (6000–3000 BC): images, ancestors, networks.
12.00 Uhr
12.10 Uhr
Moderation: Gerhard Bosinski (Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, FR).
13.30 Uhr
Aliaksandr Vashanau (Minsk, BY): Decorated bone and antler artefacts from the territory of Belarus in the Mesolithic period.
14.00 Uhr
Maxim Charniauski / Aliaksandr Vashanau (Minsk, BY) / Harald Lübke (Schleswig, DE) / John Meadows (Kiel/Schleswig, DE): Ornamented sacral artefacts from Michnievicy quarries (Northwestern Belarus).
14.30 Uhr
Monica Mărgărit / Adina Boroneanţ (Bukarest, RO) / Clive Bonsall (Edinburgh, GB): The Mesolithic portable art of the Iron Gates.
15.00 Uhr
15.10 Uhr
Moderation: Bernhard Gramsch (Potsdam, DE).
15.30 Uhr
Margherita Mussi (Rom, IT) / Luca Di Bianco (Ferrara, IT) / Gianpiero Di Maida (Mettmann, DE) / Fabio Martini (Florenz, IT): Changing Patterns in artistic production in late Pleistocene/early Holocene times: the Italian case.
16.00 Uhr
Ewa Dutkiewicz (Berlin, DE) / Christian Bentz (Tübingen, DE): SignBase – a data-driven approach to abstract signs in the Palaeolithic.
16.30 Uhr
Ole Grøn (Kopenhagen, DK) / Torunn Klokkernes (Oslo, NO): The three worlds in Evenk ornament.
17.00 Uhr
Corinna Erckenbrecht (Mannheim, DE): Messages on sticks and stones – rock art and message sticks of the Australian Aborigines.
17.30 Uhr
18.00 Uhr
Peter Andreas Toft (Kopenhagen, DK) / Tomasz Płonka (Breslau, PL): Summary of the conference and conclusions.
18.30 Uhr
Erik Brinch Petersen (Kopenhagen, DK): Illustrations of humans and other creatures from the Stone Age of Southern Scandinavia.
Am Freitag, den 20. September 2019, um 19.30 Uhr im Hörsaal des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale).
Adomas Butrimas (Vilnius, LT) / Tomas Rimkus (Klaipėda, LT) / Marius Iršėnas (Vilnius, LT): The examples of mobile art on hunter-gatherers' (10500–4200 cal BC) bone and antler tools in Lithuania.
Jennes Hünniger (Leipzig, DE) / Judith M. Grünberg (Halle [Saale], DE): Documentation of Mesolithic portable art using a Keyence 3D-Macroscope.
Ausführliche Inhaltsangaben zu den einzelnen Vorträgen und Postern können Sie auch dem umfangreichen Abstract-Band [PDF, 0,5 MB, nicht barrierefrei] der Tagung entnehmen.
Harald Meller (Halle [Saale])
Erik Brinch Petersen (Kopenhagen)
Bernhard Gramsch (Potsdam)
Judith M. Grünberg (Halle [Saale])
Tomas Płonka (Breslau)
Hörsaal des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte
Richard-Wagner-Straße 9
06114 Halle (Saale)